Podiatrist - Evanston - Friendly Staff

Dr Kevin J. Tunnat 800 Austin Street, Suite 611W Evanston, IL 60202 (847) 864-5010

Evanston Foot and Ankle Clinic
  • Bunion Surgery

    Bunions, those bony protrusions at the base of the big toe, can be a source of persistent pain and discomfort. While conservative measures like footwear changes and orthotics can provide relief for some, others may find that bunion surgery becomes a necessary consideration. In this detailed guide, we

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  • Bunions (Hallux Abducto Valgus)

    Bunions, medically referred to as Hallux Abducto Valgus, are a common yet often misunderstood foot condition that can cause discomfort, pain, and changes in foot structure. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of bunions—exploring their causes, recognizing symptoms, discussing

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  • Bursitis

    Bursitis, though often overshadowed by more commonly known conditions, is a discomforting and potentially debilitating ailment that affects the body's bursae—small, fluid-filled sacs that cushion and lubricate the joints. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of bursitis,

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  • Calcaneal Apophysitis (Sever's Disease)

    Calcaneal apophysitis, commonly known as Sever's disease, is a condition that predominantly affects active children and adolescents during their growth spurts. This guide aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of Sever's disease, exploring its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and effective management

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  • Calf Pain

    Calf pain is a common complaint that can stem from various underlying causes, ranging from muscle strain to more serious medical conditions. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of calf pain, exploring its anatomy, potential causes, common symptoms, diagnostic approaches, and

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  • Capsulitis of the Second Toe

    Capsulitis of the second toe, though less commonly known than other foot conditions, can be a source of significant discomfort and inconvenience. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of capsulitis, exploring its causes, symptoms, diagnostic approaches, and effective management

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  • Cavus Foot (High-Arched Foot)

    Cavus foot, commonly referred to as a high-arched foot, is a structural anomaly that can impact the biomechanics of the lower extremities. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of cavus foot, exploring its causes, symptoms, diagnostic approaches, and effective management strategies.

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  • Charcot Foot

    Charcot foot, a condition named after the French neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot, is a progressive and potentially debilitating disorder that affects the bones, joints, and soft tissues of the foot. In this comprehensive guide, we will unravel the intricacies of Charcot foot, exploring its causes, symptoms,

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A podiatrist, also called a doctor of podiatric medicine, is a specialist who provides medical diagnosis and treatment of foot and ankle problems, such as bunions, heel pain, spurs, hammertoes, neuromas, ingrown toenails, warts, corns and calluses. A podiatrist also renders care of sprains, fractures, infections, and injuries of the foot, ankle and heel. In addition to undergraduate medical school training, podiatrists also attend graduate school for a doctorate degree in podiatry. Podiatrists are required to take state and national exams, as well as be licensed by the state in which they practice. According to the American Podiatric Medical Association, there are an estimated 15,000 practicing podiatrists in the United States. Podiatrists are in demand more than ever today because of a rapidly aging population. In addition, according to the association, foot disorders are among the most widespread and neglected health problems affecting people in this country. Typically, podiatrists:

  • Consult with patients and other physicians on how to prevent foot problems.
  • Diagnose and treat tumors, ulcers, fractures, skin and nail diseases, and deformities.
  • Perform surgeries to correct or remedy such problems as bunions, clawtoes, fractures, hammertoes, infections, ruptured Achilles, and other ligaments and tendons.
  • Prescribe therapies and perform diagnostic procedures such as ultrasound and lab tests.
  • Prescribes or fits patients with inserts called orthotics that correct walking patterns.
  • Treat conditions such as: bone disorders, bunions, corns, calluses, cysts, heel spurs, infections, ingrown nails, and plantar fasciitis.